Skipton Castle - Red wyvern

Skipton Castle - A Complete Medieval Fortress

Tour Sheets - Available in Ten Languages

3D Castle Plan

The First Floor Plan

Skipton Castle Floor Plan

Leaving the Conduit Court, take the staircase up to the Medieval Kitchen, then go through the rooms numbered on the plan round to the Watchtower

The Ground Floor Plan

Skipton Castle Floor Plan

Returning to the Conduit Court, go round the rooms in the plan above

Crow's Map of Skipton 1757

Crow's Map of Skipton 1757

The Ancient Chapel of St John the Evangelist, Skipton Castle, Yorkshire

It may be impossible to date the foundation of the Chapel precisely but it is likely to be of 13th century origin, some years after the reign of King John and Magna Carta of 1215. It may well have been during the pontificate of Pope John XXI (1276-1320). That it was dedicated to St. John the Evangelist from earliest times is undoubted and is recorded in an existing Inquistion of 1315.

Old records note that all sacraments and sacramentals were administered in the Chapel but there were no "buryings".

Use of the Chapel was reserved to the owners, resident retainers and the garrison of the Castle, together with the occupier of the Holme Farm "two miles distant".

Computer Model Computer Model
St John's Chapel St. John's Chapel - West Side

Plan of St. John's Chapel

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